Shetland's Heritage and Culture

Shetland Museum and Archives - Heritage Hub Shetland Museum and Archives - Heritage Hub Shetland Amenity Trust is the lead partner in the Sumburgh Head Project, delivering an ongoing visitor information service alongside their partners, RSPB Scotland and the Northern Lighthouse Board.  Sumburgh Head is the latest addition to the range of heritage visitor attractions managed by The Trust, the flagship location being Shetland Museum and Archives.

Shetland Museum and Archives, located on the historic Hay's Dock on Lerwick's waterfront, is the the cultural and heritage hub of the islands; inviting and guiding visitors on a journey of Shetland's intruiging and unique social, natural and cultural past.  The network of community museums and visitor centres throughout the islands is a testament to the pride that Shetlanders have in their heritage, and offers a truly exceptional range of activities, locations and local, expert knowledge on an incredible range of subjects from fishing, knitwear, music, traditions, language and much more.

Old Scatness Broch and Iron Age Village Old Scatness Broch and Iron Age Village Other visitor attractions and events managed by Shetland Amenity Trust include: Viking Unst, Old Scatness Broch and Iron Age Village, Geopark Shetland, Shetland Nature Festival, and Shetland Wool Week.

A suite of information leaflets is produced by the Trust, covering geographical areas of Shetland, and cultural and natural heritage. Many of these can be dowloaded through the Shetland Heritage and Culture Portal website, which is also maintained by The Trust.

Shetland Wool Week is fast becoming a world-renowned festival Shetland Wool Week is fast becoming a world-renowned festival